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Description of the Book :


“With a heavy heart and a tired soul I found myself and she is beautiful.” A tale told through a compilation of poetry, In The End It Matters Not explores one woman’s journey through the burden of growing up, the joy of falling in love and the pain of falling apart.

In The End It Matters Not

  • Author's Name :  Karma Wormald-Bode
    About the Author :  Ceridwen Jane is a young Western Australian writer who was born and raised in the beauty of the Great Southern. When she isn’t preoccupied reading one of the fantasy novels she so adores, Ceridwen spends a little too much of her time overthinking her ideas and much too little of her time actually writing them down. In the future, Ceridwen plans to publish other novels and additional poetry books.
    Book ISBN :  9781005423476
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