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Description of the Book:


"If Only You Knew" is a book containing conversations one often has with themselves over the experiences they had. It is writings put down expressing emotions and point of views that probably never came out vocally and one sitting in hope that the intended party heard them and took action or atleast just heard and understood them.

If Only You Knew

SKU: 9789363316829
  • Author's Name: Natasha Andrea Rajkumar

    About the Author: Natasha is an admirer of nature, arts and music. She loves experiencing life as it comes - the good, the bad and the ugly. Whatever comes her way, she is optimistic that her faith in God will not fail her. She’s a friend to anyone who needs an ear to listen. She finds life fulfilling when she gets to sit and have open and honest conversations with people and getting to learn a little more about the world each time. She also enjoys travelling and experiencing different cultures. She hopes to cover as many places as she can in her lifetime.
    Book ISBN: 9789363316829
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