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Description of the Book:

Why Heydays?

Humans are mortals. They have a liveby date whereas a work of art cannot be restrained by the chains of time it breathes forever. And my work is no different. Being a mortal, why would I ever let go of the possibility to give life to something immortal?

'Heydays' is a synthesis of my cathartic releases during the COVID 19 epidemic. While the pandemic urged to fasten my feet with shackles, the bird within me broke its hibernation and took several flights back to my prime days! Perhaps my mind merely followed the renowned poet Gulzar's school of thought, "Dreams heed no borders, the eyes need no visas. With eyes shut, I walk across the line in time. All the time". This book is both a reminiscence of my prime days and a pursuit in patching the ruptures they left within me. ‘Heydays’ captures an assortment of themes viz. utopia, hope, nature, love, lust, yearning, soul searching, death and others.

Not everyone discovers the pearl inside the shell of poetry. But if you listen carefully, the air is heavy with poems, ripe for plucking! I'm hopeful that the readers would experience a relatability quotient and generate food for thought as they stomach my musings. And if the book serves as a gentle nudge to at least a handful of the readers in milking the vacuum created in their lives by this dreadful viral attack, I could say the purpose of its release, from a writer’s point of view, would be halfachieved. The poet Edgar Guest once said, "I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day; I'd rather one walk with me than merely tell the way." Well, walk with me and I shall tell you the way to reach your soul!

Wish you all a contentful reading experience!


  • Author Name: MAYA VM
    About the Author: About the Penwoman Maya.V.M. is an EY professional with familial roots in Kerala. The scope of poetry astounds her. She wonders how Haikus weave beautiful robes with mere balls of yarn. Her fingers have always been wont to the genre of poetry. She says, “I’m often arrested by a lump in the throat. And as long as there is air circulation around me, I relish the fire withinroused to be doused in no time.” The poetic licence and the freewheeling nature of poetry per se, sum up her reverence. ‘Heydays’ is her 3rd venture into poetry; ‘Hues’ & ‘Lapis Lazuli’ being the other fruits of her Wernicke’s area. ‘Of scarlet & crimson’, one of her solo poems on the monthlies had been published in The Current, an International anthology of poems collated from 36 countries. She has also had the privilege of getting a few letters and articles published in South India's most read daily The Hindu. The writer can be reached at
    Book ISBN: 9781839137785


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