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Description of the Book:


‘all those questions all of them right and yet she had no answers but herein lies the key’ Her Rambles encompasses the rambunctious thoughts that never let her rest. They are the windows to her soul.The million thoughts that poured out of her with fervency and purpose even as she were repressed by life itself. It is about the ongoing struggle of existence as experienced by an average human like you and me.


  • Author's Name: Dr Amjada Yasmeen
    About the Author: 
    Dr. Amjada Yasmeen, can best be described as a soul of a free flying bird stuffed into a human body. Born and brought up the in middle east, she had been exposed to a wide variety of cultures, which gave her a unique perspective in life. Ever the idealist, she decided to become a doctor, with the aim to serve the fellow human beings. She completed her internship at a government hospital, with the sole aim to help the helpless. She loves taking on challenges and her dedication is well known among her circle. Even though a medico’s life is tough, she never allowed the hectic schedules to suffocate her creativity. She manages to take time off from writing prescriptions to writing poems. A bright and energetic girl, she continues to inspire the people in her life.


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