Description of the Book:
These poems have happened like they did not know how not to. Like, let's say, life. There might not be a specific theme that holds them all together in an embrace, but what underlines them are a relentless pursuit of beauty in the natural world, and a deep love for all things abstract and inexplicable somethings that happen within a human being. And everything in between, for what would we do without all that waves that rise and ebb and rumble? These little wonderful things called words, which hold a leaf, a colour a river, a human's angst or a delight, a leopard, the ocean-churning or the entire world... these words have been birthed by a sense of being halfway, for a good while now. As if the blurriness of the in-between is where I feel most alive at this point in my liberatingly insignificant little life.
Author's Name: Sourabha Rao
About the Author: Sourabha Rao is a professional writer, poet, translator, former freelance columnist and voiceover artist, with literary proficiency in English and Kannada. She deeply cares about producing stories primarily on nature and wildlife, social issues, history and art. She strives to write truthfully and creatively in an earnest attempt to tell stories that educate and entertain, have impact, and mobilise positive social change. She has written op-eds and photo-stories for leading Kannada and English newspapers, and has been collaborating with filmmakers in wildlife conservation and water conservation, as well as collaborating with organisations working in climate action, menstrual health and rural children's education. Sourabha lives in Bengaluru, where she has recently started her entrepreneurial journey as the Cofounder of 'Owletter Creations', a 'House of Storytelling'. Book ISBN: 9789363318953