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Description of the Book:

This is the journey of breathing through writing, This is every other feeling too after crying, This is my heart bleeding in your palms, dripping on the carpeted floor, Forming stains like eyes on the stars, Never can you take all of them off even if your eyes are sore.

Half girl, Half knife

  • Author Name:  Manya Pugalia
    About the Author: Manya Pugalia can usually be found reading a book, and that book will more likely not be for studies. Getting a book published was always on her bucket list, and finally, with “Half girl, Half knife”, it became a reality. She adores her small business on Instagram, as should all right thinking people. You can get to her small business by searching for ‘queeretsy’ on Instagram. No, seriously, go search it.
    Book ISBN: 9781005221102


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