Description of the Book:
Moments of time captured through eyes of a child growing up very poor in estate neighborhoods in Delaware during the 70's.
Haiku Time Machine
SKU: 9789360949211
Author's Name: Anne Consono
About the Author: Born poor in Wilmington, Delaware, Anne was raised near Lancaster county, rich with Amish and Mennonite settlers and culture.. passionate about food, her mother was a cook for the DuPont family and father, an estate groundskeeper. She is the oldest of 2 children. Though being very poor and abused, Anne was gifted and talented and was reading at highschool level in elementary school. She struggled to fit in emotionally and monetarily, and was bullied and teased often for standing out. In the early 80's a job offer changed the course of her life and her family moved Richmond, California. Not allowing the past to define her, Anne became a professional in the dental community in the early 90's among various other interests, such as a DJ on a local radio station, where she won awards for being outstanding in communications, and then realized her true passion. Anne currently lives in Northern California with her partner, 3 dogs, 3 cats, and a bearded dragon named Flokie. She still embraces her Polish Germanic heritage by cooking for friends and family and enjoys living life to the fullest, and would love to land a Tedx someday. Book ISBN: 9789360949211