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Description of the Book:

A little bit of society, a little bit of life, a little bit about love a little bit about strife. A little bit about everything perspectives and insights. A lot of poetry written by one of mankind. ‘Glimpse’ is a poetry book that makes you want to read until the very end. Didactic in every sense of it, ‘Glimpse’ leaves you pondering over issues, big or small. With varying rhyme schemes and simple language, it allows all age groups to take away something even after a single read. Come glimpse into a mind apart from your own and see this world through eyes of an unknown.


SKU: 9781005768867
    About the Author: An Indian teenager who sees no end to knowledge and no limit to perspective. Yet, I believe that a choice has to be made in what you attain and seek for humans are intelligent not eternal. I go by the pen name sofarunheard (so-far-unheard) on Instagram. “Walls have ears”, “angles on our shoulders”, “spirits wander” or just “God hears our prayers” whichever you may wish to believe, the truth remains that no matter how faint a voice is, it is heard by someone. On the other hand, we could scream our lungs out and still there will always be someone who never heard us. This way, the journey of making an effort goes on and you and me, we’re so far unheard.
    Book ISBN: 9781005768867


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