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Description of the Book:


Girl Fix your crown and be the crown is talking to women. We women are worth all the goodness of the garden of Eden. We deserve the best and should walk in the confidence of women. And not lose our identity but gain more strength. We must wear our Precious Crown with Pride and Integrity. God has a continued purpose for our lives as Queens and Princesses. Never underestimate what Jesus can do for you. Girl fix
your Crown and Be The Crown is to encourage women to never give up.Never give in. Fight for what you believe in. We should never be jealous of one another but push to make one happy. Fight past rejection, How? By finding a way around it. We can't keep on going around and around in circles. At some point in our lives, we must look in the mirror and want change. This book will open your eyes more to how Jesus sees you as a woman. Women we are called. We are important to God from the very beginning of time When God put Adam in a deep
sleep and took the rib from ADAM AND GAVE IT TO EVE. It was the first Operation God had ever done for the Love of Creating a Woman. Adam Chose to call us Women. Never forget Women we were called for a purpose and a time. Be your Purpose, Be Your Word, and Be Transfigured in God. God only wants the best for us. If you have to go back to the
Garden of Eden in Your Life where God told Eve she can eat whatever in the Garden but touch not the tree of Good and evil. We remember God has much for us in the Garden called Life. It's making the right choice.

"Girl Fix Your Crown And Be The Crown "

SKU: 9789357213707
  • Author Name : Larrita Adderley
    About the Author : Reverent Larrita Pearline Adderley, An Author, Life Coach Certified, Day Care Business Owner Certified, was born on November 25, 1981 in Paget, Bermuda to Harry and Shirley Adderley. She Graduated at CICA University and became a Chaplain in 2018. Her hunger for souls is evident. She was saved at fourteen years old. She has been in ministry for over thirty years. She was baptized in 1998 at the Hamilton SDA Church, where She was born and raised. She attended Dellwood Primary School, St. George’s Secondary, Cedarbridge Academy and Oakwood University. My father a Deacon, Harry Adderley has always been about morals. Being raised by my father has taught me strength, integrity, and most of all Jesus. Him being very strict, but wise, she is the women she is today because of him. My mom was her protector as a child, even until now. I am still her baby. Her beloved even through her challenges. She has ministered internationally as Minister of Music at The First Church SDA Church Pastor Creary, Where she lead the service for a year in 2010-2011 in Huntsville, AL. For fifteen years she has served as member at The New Testament Church of God Glory Temple, Rev. Dr. Blanche E. Burchall Ministering on Praise Team. Ministered the Word of God Twice Glory Temple. Before becoming a chaplain, She has ministered in prisons, street ministry, and evangelized becoming involved in Bermuda for many Charities and Her Bermuda Government, The Progressive Labour Party under Former Premier Dr. Ewart Brown, Former Minister Glenn Blakeney and Present Premier David Burt. She has represented Bermuda, by Singing the Hymnal The Star- Spangled Banner Twice for The Bermuda Night at The Fenway Park, Boston Red Sox and Bermuda Night Shea Stadium The Mets. She has sang in stadiums with over ninety people and in front of millions on television. They were both a success. She has also sang and Won At The Apollo Theater Amateur Night making it to the Topp Dogs. She has been with GTyme Production under Howell Lynwood Richardson touring all over Bermuda and New York. Ministering on Time square to the church of CWC Pastor Abraham Jules. She will always be remembered for fighting for her country. She protested a week for her country, The Pathway of Status. She slept outside on the cabinet grounds so it will not get passed by the Opposition. In the final protest they won against the Opposition, the OBA Government. She is an Ambassador for Jesus Christ, She was a Singing Evangelist for an Evangelistic Series for the Seventh Day Adventist Church for whole month, Ministering in Song with Dr. Alonzo Smith. Over Two Hundred Souls saved and Baptized. She had and Impossible Dream concert three souls where saved that night. Swimming on a beach, she lead a man to Jesus Christ in the Water. Its only through Jesus Christ I can move, sing, and Minister. She has over six gospel singles on the radio. She has written over two books Float and In Your Throne Room and Recorded a gospel cd Where Do I go from here? In 2009. Her ambition is to make a difference, change lives, win souls, and live to the fullest of what has for me and for me to do. She knows that it is important to make good choices and be a follower of Jesus Christ. Help the World where ever God will have me to Go. He said Go Ye there for and Teach All Nations Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, The Son, and Of The Holy Ghost.


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