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Description of the Book:


Some stories never have their happy endings, Some feelings never get reciprocated, Some demons never drown, . . And some beacons of hope never light up. Games Of Patience talks about the stories that are securely concealed in the brutal, perfect picture of reality never to be confronted with the harsh judgement of society. The author here is very candid about negative emotions which otherwise are very common and natural. One never has to be a paragon of virtue to survive the cruel world, but certain forgotten attributes really possess the power to determine the fate of life...

Games Of Patience

  • Author Name: Madiha Mohi
    About the Author: 
    Some stories never have their happy endings, Some feelings never get reciprocated, Some demons never drown, . . And some beacons of hope never light up. Games Of Patience talks about the stories that are securely concealed in the brutal, perfect picture of reality never to be confronted with the harsh judgement of society. The author here is very candid about negative emotions which otherwise are very common and natural. One never has to be a paragon of virtue to survive the cruel world, but certain forgotten attributes really possess the power to determine the fate of life...


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