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Description of the Book:

For The Love, The Fear and The Ego is a collection of poems that explores how the three forces influence our perspective and lives. Dalby's love poems, addressed to his beloved Petite, evidence romance is very much alive and can be found in the smallest of details. Poems for The Fear utilises Dalby's unusual but unique descriptions to create stark scenes and dystopian futures. Finally, the poems dedicated for The Ego speak of imaginary lives that reflect existential challenges and personal growth; tales that many may find relatable or act as a warning for those whose challenges still await. The three themes are refreshingly dispersed across the book resulting in a whirlwind journey of heartfelt goo one minute and harrowing revelations the next.     Using simple rhyming schemes and uncomplicated vocabulary, Dalby's narrative, imagery and drama are accessible to all

For The Love, The Fear and The Ego.

SKU: 9781005237530
  • Author's Name: Connor Dalby
    About the Author: Connor Dalby makes his poetry debut in the book For The Love, The Fear and The Ego. Dalby first started writing poetry while studying at university and soon become prolific in his writings. Having previous works featured in several magazines and performed live, Dalby has curated this collection as his first published book. Alongside poetry, Dalby continues his polymath inspired journey pursuing post-graduate neuroscience, psychology, music, acting, playwriting and art.
    Book ISBN: 9781005237530


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