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Description of the Book:

The poems featured in Fading Flowers although written from a personal perspective are presented and shared with the expectation that one or many will resonate with any reader. The themes both simple and complex explored will undoubtedly overlap into your life experiences. These seemingly unassuming but powerful themes explored range from: • Jesus, salvation and service • loss and grief • moments of realisation and hard truth • values and beliefs cherished by the writer • dreams that are saturated in meaning • love, mental health issues • the story of family members • Lani .M.'s heritage Fading Flowers is watered with various appeals to the non-believer together with the believer. The intention behind this book is to awaken to the reader the writer's journey in life that have culminated to the person she finds herself to be in 2021 and to ultimately get you thinking of who they are, reflect on the people that have had a major lasting influence on you whether positive or negative and what you have learned from the past that they can either reject or accept and develop to supply some certainty in light of the uncertainty every future holds.

Fading Flowers

SKU: 9798201602253
  • Author's Name: Leilani Odile Matautia 
    About the Author: Lani .M. is a 23 year old Samoan girl who has lived in Australia all her life. She's had a soft spot for poetry and words stringed together in a beautiful and poignant manner and so is no professional. Experience-wise she has done the bare essential over her years of schooling: writing essays and participating in debating, she is an avid texter-over-caller sort of person, list-lover and has filled leadership positions consistently whether in school or church that have required written communication and consequently developed her skills. Lani .M. quite ironically gets the biggest kick out of proof-reading and editing which saved her money on a professional proof-reader this time around. She has never published anything so for her this achievement is super surreal and special. She sends her sincere apologies to those expecting to read of her non-existent credentials and empty trophy shelf. At this point in her life she was expecting to be delivering babies and caring for the sick as she is a trained nurse midwife but instead is publishing a book of heartfelt poems, some days written by the fireplace with her greying dog Shiloh sleeping in the washing basket, but hey, that's life for you.


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