Description of the Book:
Have you ever felt that everybody is incredibly rude, immature, and intolerant to those around them, and you're just so done? Well, it can't be everybody. There's always your cat (or dog, or fish, or iguana, or herd of alpacas. Whatever you have.) Many animals possess the purest capacity for love on the planet. (yes, I said many. I can see people coming from a mile away with their “actually no, there was this shark in Florida who ate this guy called John Doe on a random Tuesday in 2014, and that was very mean and not lovey at all. People 5ever.” Trust me, I come prepared.) The harsh reality is, many people don't love unconditionally. They don't like you or even regard you nearly as much as you think they do, and that's just how it is. There can be both good and bad in that. As more time elapses, I realize that I can only control myself, and how I act. I generally strive to put a little bit more kindness in the world than I have taken from it. But sometimes, just sometimes, it's human nature just to vent. So here we are.
Everybody Sucks Except My Cat
Author Name: Ashley Leigh Anderson About the Author: I am pretty quiet in person, but my editors insist that I yell all my book titles and headings. I am not sure what to do with this newfound skill. I have previously written a book called The Definition of Fear, a poetry book much like this one. I think too much about myself and my unusual life experiences, and then write about it. In between adventures, which I've got several coming up, there are more exciting books on the way! Book ISBN: 9781005220310