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Description of the Book:

An anthology of poems. Poems that will, perhaps, guide you, give you hope, make you smile and probably would help you let it be and let it go!

Epiphanies: A Journey Filled with Serendipity

  • Author's Name: Salil Shahane
    About the Author: Briefly speaking, I am a human by birth, an engineer by convention and a poet by choice. Poetry is something that is very dear to me and I find my solace in it. I love talking about philosophy and I'm currently pursuing my higher studies in management in order to make some money because as they say nobody listens to a poor philosopher. I am a very good listener and hence if you want someone to listen to your intense talks or just meaningless blabber you can reach out to me on Facebook or through email.
    Book ISBN: 9781005999094


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