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Description of the Book:

This book is a collection of poems written in free verse. They are the poet's observations on life, philosophies and reflections. The central theme of the poems revolves around the challenges of living in a city and the feeling of detachment. This love-hate relationship grows into a desire to question the modernity of things. The poet attempts to both question and seek answers for whether there is more to love, life, passion, money if death is the final end. City takes centre stage in most poems where a feeling of being unsettled, wanting more and not being content is explored and transmuted into words.

Echoes of the Heart

  • Author Name: Olisha Taneja
    About the Author: Olisha Taneja is an editor turned marketer for an academic publishing house. Having studied and worked in the heart of India, her poetry captures the pulse of the metropolitan city. Enamored by the beauty of words, she turns to novels and poetry to find solace from the fast pace of life. A sentiment that permeates through most her poems. A daydreamer and an observer, she balances the pragmatism of life with her imagination.
    Book ISBN: 9781005941772


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