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Description of the Book:

Up and down went the seesaw. They asked her how she was, she smiled, and said she was fine. What she didn’t say was she was embroiled in battle in her head, struggling to stay afloat. She didn’t mention she overthought every action she took. She didn’t show them she was wearing a mask. Ebb and Flow is a collection of poetry that aims to unleash the turbulent, ever-changing feelings hidden behind the easily said “I’m fine,” and unapologetically highlight the significance of mental health. Interspersed with joyous moments, it explores themes ranging from insecurities, mental health struggles, and societal expectations to nostalgic memories, ethereal descriptions, and acceptance.

Ebb and Flow

  • Author Name: Devika Kothari
    About the Author: Found either furiously flipping through a book or fervently defending her stance on social issues, Devika is a young adult who wants her voice heard. She wants to make a positive mark on society by reversing the taboos and stigma surrounding mental health. She likes to question the status quo, look at things from a fresh perspective and encourage a healthy dialogue on everything under the sun!
    Book ISBN: 9781005928308


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