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Description of the Book:


Embark on a spellbinding expedition through the transformative years of 2022 to 2024 with a poetry collection that transcends the boundaries of ordinary expression. These were crafted during an intense 21-day challenge, where each day birthed a new or revisited poem. More than a book, this is a collection of emotions and experiences.


SKU: 9789360944025
  • Author's Name: KATHERINE STINSON

    About the Author: Katherine Stinson is a 35-year-old poet and writer for Girlhood Magazine. She has several poems published through various online magazines including "Whip It" (2023), featured in Curio Cabinet's Sweet Treats. In addition to writing, she loves traveling, surfing, and taking self development classes. You can find her on Instagram @k8b0ne
    Book ISBN: 9789360944025
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