Description of the Book:
A book with poems I've written during my depression journey.
Depression feels like someone stamping on your chest and you're unable to breathe, but you don't even have the will and the energy to put up a fight, so you just let yourself go breathless.
This book, is not a book of hope. It is a book of despair. It is pure words that flowed through my brain, as thoughts of suicide and death took over me.
As I write this, I still suffer with depression. With thoughts of killing myself and feeling unworthy of life.
I am glad I have people to help me. I have my partner, my best friends and my therapist to help me.
Read, and see where this takes you. If you're on the same journey as me, I wish you so much goodness, love, light, and healing. We'll get through this together.
I love you.
Depression & Death
Author's Name: Aishu Rittika
About the Author: Hi! My name is Aishu Rittika. I'm originally a musician, you can check out my songs on Spotify, just by typing my name (free promotions, yes), but once you get into a creative space, it just hooks you up, doesn't it? I have always been fascinated by words and the language English, and have loved expressing myself, through poems, stories and songs. I write poems every now and then, to just get out stuck feelings and emotions inside of me. Wanting to be an author, has always been part of my bucket list, we'll, guess we're here now. :) You can get in touch with me via Instagram at aish__music Would love to get to interact with you! Book ISBN: 9789360941772