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Description of the Book:


Human existence is not meant to manifest neatly. It's not black and white, linear, or comfortable. As much as we might think we'd rather it be predictable, that would not give us what we need. This collection of poetry examines how a recognition of multitudes can actually help us, rather than hurt us. The chaotic, the calm, the cold, the coalescent, the creative, the catastrophic -- all of these are represented among these pages. In essence, "I Am Dichotomy" paints a picture of all the intricate distinctions that make up a year of a life.

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SKU: 9789358316902
  • Author's Name: Elizabeth Schindler
    About the Author: Words, ideas, and stories have inspired Elizabeth (Ella) since she was a small child. In elementary school, she would spend hours in her room almost daily, crafting fictional characters' lives. In middle school, she began dabbling in poetry, which quickly became her favorite medium. Flash forward years later, Ella graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2019 with a B.A. in English, and she currently works as an Associate Director at a market research firm in Chicago. But her love for hobby-writing has never died; she is always scribbling poems on her morning train commute, and she is working on a book she hopes to publish in the coming years. Outside of her writing pursuits, she also enjoys hiking, biking, drawing, and traveling.
    Book ISBN: 9789358316902
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