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Description of the Book:


Deep is underrated is a story of true pain, and the beauty found within it. It holds the parallel’s it took me to truly find beauty within the hardest parts of my whole life. I have been through an incredible amount of things (and you have to), which is another reason I am sharing this story with you, because we have the power as human to feel and be felt and I find that so beautiful. From sadness, to heartbreak, to love, to my winning mentality, 'deep is underrated' is a collection of poems that I felt while I was writing them. In some poems you may even see my heart re-arrange on the paper. and I hope you feel.

Deep Is Underrated

  • Author Name: Mikayla Nadine Ross
    About the Author: 
    Hi! First of all, THANK YOU for being here. Reading MY words. I am so thankful for you. My name is Mikayla! I'm 21 and I grew up in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada! My family originated from Jamaica (#BLM 4EVER) and ever since I could speak, I’ve basically been writing poetry. In a generation like this it has been more important than ever for me to find out who I am. So, I have been on my self-discovery journey while planning my self-development! I am currently an Educator at Lululemon Athletica, A Fitness Coach at Goodlife Fitness AND a full-time nanny, so needless to say I have my hands FULL. BUT on my off time I play ALOT of music, sing, dance, paint, walk and exercise whenever I can! I love to read and continuously expand my vocabulary. I am also trying to teach myself how to play the piano! LOL I am currently attending humber college to obtain a Bachelors Degree of Commerce in marketing. I plan to write multiple poetry books like this one and possibly a couple self-help books as well! My biggest dream is to open the perfect coffee shop that eventually goes global. I grew up thinking I was smaller than everyone else, that I wasn’t worth as much, but I realized, I am only as big as I think I am. Today, I realize the value of impact, self-love, hope and faith. You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to and if your dreams do NOT scare you, they are NOT big enough! Follow me on instagram to watch my journey! @mikaylanadinee xoxoxoxoxo MIK
    Book ISBN: 9781005237714


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