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Description of the Book:


Dark mind is a collection of twenty poems based on 5 basic emotions that are universal to people across the world, sadness; anger; fear; joy; hate how ever the contents of each poem has been beautifully crafted into clever metaphors, some of the poems are Victoria's real life experiences, whist some have she created into wonderfully crafted muses with a touch of fantasy, using some very well known child hood fictional charactors, given them a modern and diverse twist. Dark Mind also highlights mental health and demonstrates the raw emotions and struggles that an individual suffering with a mental illness may battle on a day to day basis,

Dark Mind

  • Author's Name: VICTORIA ANN PECK
    About the Author: Victoria Ann peck is a devoted mum of two, she was born in north london but moved to south London se17 when she was very young, growing up Victoria was quite a shy and timid young girl however this soon changed with life ups and downs as she hit her teenage years and she began to blossom into your very typical, boisterous teenager getting up to no good with her brother Darren and there friends, bunking off school, going against authority, getting arrested and causing mayhem, oneway victoria would decide to run away from home, unfortunately Victoria would learn that the world was a dangerous place and as a result she endured some situations that would end up having a very big impact on her life, around the age 17 Victoria's mum moved her and her brother including her two younger sisters back to north London, nw1 Camden Town over the years Victoria would find herself battling some very dark times, she found her self spiralling into depression, and adopted a very hostile attitude towards herself and people in general, she found herself in and out of pychatirus offices, taking medication to stabilise her moods and fighting demons that would eventually lead to her being diagnosed with BPD and Agoraphobia, Victoria never really felt liked she fit into society and because she struggled to deal with social settings she could not enter into full time employment, this had a very big impact on her life and she found herself regularly dreaming up ideas of business plans, as much as she struggled mentally she also had a powerful drive inside her, she wanted to own her business so she tried her hand at everything she could think off, beauty, cake making, avon, jewellery making even having her own market stall in nw1's famous Camden stables, given all her blood, sweat and tears, passing exams and gaining so many certificate in a desperate need to make something of herself, her mental health would lead her to self sabotage her ideas, and unfortunately as quick as she started she also gave up. but the one thing Victoria was extremely gifted at was POETRY, she began writing at a very young age a way of expressing her dark thoughts and her emotions, she began entering poetry competitions and winning, her fist set off poems she still has to this day 'dubbed ' the dark book of poems" written in her bedroom when she was at her darkest, and so her alter ego was born DARK MIND. DARK MIND writes from life experiences, she writes a lot about mental health and the affects it has on her life it is a subject she holds close to her heart and now as a grown woman, having a partner and being a mum she now finds herself extending her hand to help those who are struggling Victoria wants to let those who have a mental illness that there is light at the end of the tunnel, although she still struggles she has come along way over the years, her ultimate dream is to become a well known published author 'we can all dream, and sometimes if we really put our trust i into something, we can dream it into reality, never give up, you are closer then you think" DARK MIND


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