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Description of the Book:

A collection of poems depicting the complexities of life, of being, from the lows of social anxiety, to the highs of honey-like love as told through the eyes of a queer teenager.

Complexities of Being

  • Author Name: Poppy B. Humble
    About the Author: Poppy B. Humble is an 18 year old Australian with a passion for mythology that features heavily in their work. Poppy B. has battled depression and anxiety, viewed the way the world has been falling apart, explored their sexual identity and found a respite within their writing. They sat their HSC during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now studying a Bachelor of Ancient History at University, hoping to spread their passion to others. They live in NSW with their family, but hope for their poetry to touch the hearts of people all over the globe.
    Book ISBN: 9784758495288


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