Description of the Book:
From being an optimistic young girl to becoming a realistic and insightful woman, Cicatrize traces the journey of a pieced soul’s self discovery. One may appear in one piece but there are many hidden cracks which require attention. This book is more of an ode to those stuck in abusive and toxic cycles with people around them, and, more importantly, themselves. Being stuck at a place where one cannot decide one’s own emotional state, is something which is less talked about in society. Not being happy is considered a taboo. And expressing this feeling is considered preposterous. One may appear in one piece but there are many hidden cracks which require attention. But hiding these cracks seems easy. Thus, prioritising ourselves becomes harder and paying attention to our own needs seems unimaginable. Cicatrize tends to an aching heart. A heart which couldn't wither the storms. But there is hope for everyone. This book will make you realize that self-awareness comes with practice, and altruism isn’t outfashioned. One can still conquer emotions by feeling them. And the ones who appear the coldest, need the most warmth. So find your strengths, and live with confidence. Above all, dare to dare.
Cicatrize: Embrace your Scars
Author's Name: Meghanshi Kulshreshtha About the Author: Meghanshi Kulshreshtha is an ambitious college student with optimistic yet realistic views on life. Blessed with an empathetic heart, life has been topsy turvy for her. But in her very first anthology, her poetic skills leave everyone astounded. Loaded with hidden truths and alliterations, she teaches us to let our emotions guide us. With an ultimate goal to heal herself and those in a similar plight, Meghanshi is responsible, sincere and unprecedented. With a very eccentric bucket list, and goals to make the world a better place; she has chosen the easiest way to reach out. Which is through her words. At just 19 years old, her mind is full of elegant wisdom, which is quite unparalleled. This reflects in her works and relationships. From a shining new dish to getting stained, to again being glittery, Cicatrize pokes a hole through the curtains of mystery, allowing one can peek at her conventional yet unconventional life. Book ISBN: 9781005053260