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Description of the Book :

Book of Abandoned Poems is a collection of poems, that tell the story of grief, loss, love, happiness, loneliness, strangeness of existence and most importantly how important it is to try just one more time. Abhiraj believes that no poem is ever complete, poems are abandoned when they have reached near perfection, and it is impossible to reach perfection. Abhiraj hopes that anyone reading this book will get a strength to continue on and just try one more time.

Book of Abandoned Poems

  • Author's Name : Abhiraj Singh Dadiyan
    About the Author : Abhiraj is an International Student from India studying Management and minoring in Creative Writing at University of Guelph. You would find him mostly rocking a spongebob hat wherever he goes. He loves to take himself on solo dates and explores craft breweries, and nature trails. He loves to read about various mythologies and is currently writing a fantasy novel, he has completed two manuscripts which are going through heavy revisions and cooked up to perfection. 
    Book ISBN : 979-8431222702


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