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Description of the Book:

A collection of thoughtful poems which are reflections of our current society, mindsets, and feelings with a close relationship with nature.

Blue and Black Nights

  • Author Name: Chandan Sarkar
    About the Author: The author has a passion for writing poetries since childhood being inspired by so many Bengali poem writers. He is an Energy Efficiency Engineer by profession. He has written many poems and among them selected poems based on the inner self, thoughts and life are published in this first book which won 1st runner up prize in Amazon KDP pentopublish#4 contest in 2021. He also writes fictional short stories, drama, and screenplay for films. He is a member of SWA (Screen Writers Association of India). His other hobbies are photography and painting. FB Author Page: Follow him on Intsgram : c.sarkar_creations
    Book ISBN: 9783753278513


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