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Description of the Book :


Racism, politics, a deadly pandemic. You might be thinking you are reading the start of a Jordan Peele screenplay. Nope, these are just the real-life musings of a Black Woman in a White World.

Black Woman in a White World

  • Author Name : Renée Kato McDonald
    About the Author :  Renée Kato McDonald, author of Black Woman in a White World was born and raised in the heart of the great garden state. In 2012 she earned her Bachelors of Arts in History and Religion Studies from Muhlenberg College of Allentown, Pa. There she continued to foster her passion for community service through becoming a lifelong brother of Alpha Phi Omega, Service Fraternity Inc. As a transracial adoptee, Renée experienced racism firsthand from an early age. Thus after graduation, she joined Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority Inc. and strongly advocates for respect, representation, inclusion, and social justice for all. When not tucked away reading, researching, or writing, Renée enjoys spending quality time with her family and friends, advocating, laughing, and traveling.
    Book ISBN : 9781005313746


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