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Description of the book:

This book is a lyrical rendition of modern day feminism and it's struggles. Easy to rattle off, the poems are easy to understand and recite (if you so wish.) The poems look to challenge assumptions about language and meaning. A 'witch,' was condemned 500 years ago and the unfounded stigma continues today! The lyrics draw out the dark in everyday experiences and hails it as worthy of attention. There are many shades to a woman, and each one is magic.

Black Moon Magic

  • Author Name: Devyani Siingh
    About the Author: A communication specialist, Devyani has held her own in the corporate world for over a decade. Her creativity has helped her successfully design and launch many a brand campaign but her real passion in life is cuddling up under the covers with her four dogs and a good book in hand. Chocolate chip cookies will be her downfall.


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