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Description of the Book:

Beyond Despair is a collection of twenty poems written on subjects, including politics, wars, sports, relationships, love, self-help, and others. Through this book, the author aims to encourage readers to look at day-to-day problems from different perspectives. This book is dedicated to all those people who have been treated unfairly at every step of their life and who need a ray of hope standing on the verge of despair.

Beyond Despair

  • Author Name: Punit Sinha
    About the Author: Punit Sinha is an Indian writer, poet, and pianist. He has contributed to the Media and Advertising industry for more than six years before turning to a full-time writer. It was his passion for storytelling that made him quit his conventional job of copywriting, and step into the shoes of a story writer. Presently, he is working on his next fiction titled “A Family Man in A Pandemic” likely to be published in 2022.


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