Description of the Book :
Under the cover of this book lies facts about marine life, all the way from little crustaceans to massive whales. These facts have been put into twenty poems for both children and adults to enjoy.
Beneath the Surface
Author Name : Rhys Edmonds About the Author : Rhys Edmonds is an 11 year old boy who is passionate about saving the planet. He is doing everything he can to fight the causes of climate change, plastic pollution, overfishing and more. Rhys is aspiring to be a marine biologist. He was first inspired after watching Sir David Attenborough on ‘Blue Planet’ and so wrote to his inspiration telling him his plans. A few days later he received a reply from Sir David himself thanking him and explaining how to work towards his goal, this spurred Rhys on even further on his quest to help save the planet. His hopes are for this book may encourage others to do the same. Book ISBN : 9781005057602