Description of the Book:
This book is an attempt to highlight a few values, qualities and virtues that we look for in others to be incorporated in our own lives first. A follow before you preach (expect) kind of concept reaping dual benefits of being satisfied with one's own conduct and having better and cordial connections and relationships with others.
Each attribute that we should incorporate in our lives is discussed here in two forms, the former being 'Acrostic Poetry' wherein each letter of the word is elaborated to give it a definite meaning and the latter being a 'Verse' that speaks about that virtue and its benefits we as human can quadruple when we adapt and practice making this world a happier place to live in.
Be What YOU Look For..!!
Author's Name: Garima Dakalia
About the Author: Living by the motto, "Learning is Perennial", Garima Dakalia is a chartered accountant who taught students and is now a counseling psychologist too. Having a keen interest in acquiring new skill sets, she is also a certified handwriting expert and basic pranic healer. Passionate about writing she has published articles, short stories and poems in numerous publications to her credit. A mother of two following the belief that children teach us more than what we teach them, she believes she is learning from her kids 24*7 in her second innings and would love to continue this journey of "Learn - Unlearn - Relearn" personally and professionally. Book ISBN: 9789360943493