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Description of the Book :


This is a book of poetry dedicated to the self-identified wallflower, the internal processer, the quiet observer... to anyone who has felt pressured to speak, has been ousted for being "too quiet," or doesn't relate to the extraverted norm. Anything But Wordless pays homage to those that aren't the loudest in the room. This book is for people who don't always know how to verbalize what they would like to say. Author K. Elizabeth dives deep and challenges her own vulnerability to empower those who've felt silenced or unable to communicate through speech: You are seen. Your experiences matter. You are heard. And you are anything but wordless #mentalhealthmatters

Anything But Wordless

  • Author's Name : K. Elizabeth
    About the Author : K. Elizabeth is a writer that specializes in poetry and song lyrics. Journaling since she was able to put a pen to paper, K. Elizabeth uses the written word to loudly express herself. She is a mental health professional and licensed therapist and recognizes the importance of creative expression in healing and recovery. K. Elizabeth believes in alternative methods of processing deep emotion in addition to, and outside of talk therapy. She finds inspiration for writing through appreciating the complexity and beauty of the life that surrounds us all.
    Book ISBN : 9798430654191
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