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Description of the Book:


In the bustling Paradise built underground, Cidaé the worker ant feels out of place. While all
the other ants are busy following orders and achieving their daily quota, he struggles to find
meaning in his existence. Frustrated with the mundane, he rebels and embarks on a journey
to discover his true purpose in life.
Join Cidaé on his adventures as he travels through peculiar and mystical lands and finds his
tribe, eventually reinventing himself and achieving what no other ant has fathomed before
To every soul stuck in the rut and trying to find themselves, Cidaé’s expedition offers a fresh
and unique perspective, guiding them towards the unexplored path in their own life’s journey.

"Antventures: Journey to Purpose"

SKU: 9789367392713
  • Author's Name: Sharang Arvind

    About the Author: Sharang Arvind is a corporate leader by the day and a thinker post sundown, being at hiscreative best within the lap of nature. Sharang loves to travel to different countries andregions, absorbing their diverse cultures and translating those experiences into his writing.Sharang has extensive experience in business development, strategy and sales leadership,managing teams and scaling-up businesses. He is known in the business world as an even-keeled leader who enables his teams to discover their true potential.Sharang found his soulmate during his college days at IIT Delhi. Now settled in Bangalore,he is a doting father of two. Sharang's writing inspiration comes from his grandmother whowas an acclaimed Hindi language author with the pen-name NarayaniThis is his first novella.
    Book ISBN: 9789367392713
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