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Description of the Book :


This is a book about adjusting your thoughts and habitual patterns in a way that brings strength, peace, effectiveness and happiness.  It is about finding comfort in crisis, peace in chaos and positive action in uncertainty,   Grounded in the practical and pragmatic, the spiritual perspectives inspire, comfort and support while offered in lyrical and sometimes amusing phrasing.  It is a guide book for living well and being happy, full of easy practical tasks,  guised as a book of poems.  The universal wisdom here can be revisited frequently bringing fresh insight with each reading.

Answers from the Quiet

SKU: 9789357445160
  • Author's Name : Barbara Waggoner
    About the Author : My relevant background is a great deal of training and experience with Neuro-Linguistic Programming. I am a certified Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming and taught the business aspects around the U.S. for Grinder Laborde's East Coast Office. In depth methodology and personal development seminars were developed and delivered in Scandinavia for a number of years.
    Book ISBN : 9798438262480
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