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Description of the Book:

Mental Health is a lot talked about in our country compared to the earlier times, however as a professional in this field, I believe it is important to have more conversations around the same. This book is an attempt to have such a discussion and to render the ears to the ones who are silenced, to tell the youth that you 'Don't just hear, but listen!'. Written in the simplest of English, you wouldn't need to open any dictionary to read this, but remember to keep your mind and hearts open.

? An ode to Mental Health

SKU: 9781005674731
  • Author's Name: Swathy Nandakumar
    About the Author: Writing about me seems too much, but since you took the effort to glance through this tiny publication, here goes! Without being too preachy, I am a Professor, a trainer, a coach, a mentor, a researcher, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend to the amazing lot around me, but who isn't? So enough about me, you would know me through the essence of my work, so pause a moment and I would want you to get to know yourself better, go discover the real YOU! ?
    Book ISBN: 9781005674731


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