Description of the Book:
Many times, poems come to me in crashing waves or with the ferocity of a parade. I do not always know what it is that I am writing about. But I document it as best as I can, utilizing words that barely touch the experience of what feeling a soul is like. These are the translations I have written. Moments of connection with myself and with others. All are true. All have changed. All are snapshots of a conversation with my soul.
An Attempted Translation of the Soul
SKU: 9789363317024
Author's Name: Clare Galletta
About the Author: Clare is a growing writer, and always will be. There are many who have influenced her style and passion for writing. To her, writing is unbound expression of the soul. Sometimes it isn't clear what it is that the soul needs to express, and she tries her best to put words to the experience. Book ISBN: 9789363317024