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Description of the Book:


My earlier poems have sprung from moments of inspiration or introspection and so, like Wordsworth’s ‘Daffodils’ they stir me up every time I read them. I simply wanted to share this feeling with the world.

The Mind, in all its glory and drudgery has, for several years now, been an object of my fascination. I have been constantly trying to reign in the mind, breathing to control it, drowning myself in the mundane, practicing mindfulness, heart-fulness, exercises, yoga, dancing and so on. And before I know I am left just doing the activity while the mind has long slipped away!

Recently, I have found some solace in balance, in holding on to the moment, in diluting the extremities and embracing the stillness of non-analysis and non-judgement. "All About Sweet Nothings" is close to my heart as it's about Nothing (also everything and the grays in between) and it's just About Sweet.

Hope you enjoy it!

All About Sweet Nothings..

SKU: 9789358318012
  • Author's Name: Divya Anand Kasturi

    About the Author: Hi, I am a mother of 2 lovely daughters, the greatest source of my joy. I have always been fascinated by the abstract - art and poetry but also, strategy and problem solving, which I employ in my professional career. When I was 8 years old, I was introduced to the wonderful art form of Bharatanatyam and after years of training, I completed my Arangetram and Masters in Bharatanatyam alongside my regular Engineering degree. I have always tried to find the synergy between all these pursuits of mine that I absolutely enjoy doing. What does it mean, to intuitively tackle a problem or what does it mean, to be poetic while leading a team or what does it mean, to be strategic and objective while prepping up for a performance. I thank my Gurus, Family, Friends, Colleagues and everyone who has inspired me. Stay blessed!
    Book ISBN: 9789358318012
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