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Description of the Book:


All lyricists, songwriters and soulsters - this book is for you! It'll leave you singing ballads, sounding much like the sun rays of love, worth noting and sharing. It is a morning serenade, performed by Alba and read by you.

Alba is embracing the other's presence and the meaningfully moments she has before lamenting the loss of another day in one’s life, hence when the sun has risen for the coming day.

Alba is lovely, Alba is the female dawn and is still there when her lover disperses. Alba can stand for: A long beloved aubade, so she calls for ignescent minds and iridescent eyes to read into her poetic words, giving off melodic chimes at dawn, then melancholic rhymes when he leaves out of her sight.

She brings you to the full senses of entering the natural essence of loving a special someone before they embark on, or both lovers part at daybreak. Everyone awake by sunrise has stories, here's your chance to soak in one.


SKU: 9789357619813
  • Author's Name: Caroline Parajo
    About the Author: CAROLINE PARAJO, a 24-year-young aspiring poet based in western-Sydney, Australia, started out online publishing at the start of her 20s. After graduating from UNSW with Arts, minoring in English Literature, she then compiled two chapbooks 'here's my heart, handle with care' & 'Love Without Regret Then, Regret to Love Later' shared for her family and friends to read. This had held her to be in control of her art, delve into her own writing style and form her authentic voice freely. She is passionate and diligent to her writing habits in becoming a promising and underlying creative destined as being kind-natured and a poignant-bound writer, and her ability to test her artistry bounds too. She enjoys anything and everything musical - from dancing to singing, to even songwriting and playing ukulele. She also has a deep and great love of doing barre, painting and sunset swims by the beach.

    Book ISBN: 9789357619813

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