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Description of the Book:


This book is a collection of author's thoughts and emotions. We all experience grief, sadness, problems, hurdles in a myriad of ways. In a fast-paced world, we, as humans, have quite forgotten on how to stay happy, what brings true peace to our minds, how it will be to experience eternal sunshine albeit for a short period. That's why, I wanted this book to be a nice read and that's how it will be. I want my poems to be a reminiscence of our childhood, of our carefree lives, of the experiences we gained, the things we lost, of a breezy yet balmy and a sunny day.

A plethora of Emotions...

SKU: 9789357693844
  • Author's Name: Gayathri Gopalan
    About the Author: Gayathri can usually be found reading a book, any book that catches her eye. Writing a novel (and that too a thriller one) takes the numero uno position in her bucket list. However, that still stands as a wish, which she hopes to turn into reality soon. When not engrossed with the recent bestseller, Gayathri loves to cook (she is a decent cook, you know ;)), binge-watch YouTube, pet her cat and go for a stroll. She lives with her family in India and holds a post-graduate degree in Mathematics. Oh! By the way, she is a freelance writer as well. You can catch her works at and

    Book ISBN: 9789357693844

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