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Description of the Book:

A Moonbow, uniquely evokes emotions in apathetic as well as empathetic souls. It takes you through the ride of joy, grief, love, abuse, healing and enlightenment. Rewarding you with the tears of joy and sorrow as you inch closer to the end, this collection resonates with the reader's lives as all of us have gone through these strong unsettling events at some point.

The Moonbow

  • Author Name: Komal Shevkani
    About the Author: Komal Shevkani is a Tax consultant by profession and a writer by heart. Born and brought up in a country with diversity she has an interesting cultural exposure, being a child to Indo-Pak parents. Komal aspired to be a writer from a young age and discovered her true interest towards the art in the second decade of her life. Her inclination towards writing has explored many styles like shayari, couplets, prose and short stories in a very short time of venturing into the literary world. She hope to reflect on society with her writings.


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