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Description of the Book:

20 poems written on 20 days of 2021 - an ensemble of different things life brings. Insightful, poetic and reflective - all things that makes life best lived has been encapsulated in these pages. Some lessons are best learnt in rhymes. Life is too short to learn only from our own and so we write books to learn and relearn everyone else's lessons for the test is same.

20 Days Of 2021

SKU: 9781005208783
  • Author Name: Shivani Bindhyeshwari
    About the Author: Shivani is a poet who writes for herself, her diary and the corner of heart that craves for a vent. She has God to thank for her gift of gab and life for turning her into a poet. Her work is sometimes an honest confession of a titillated mind, sometimes a quiet submission of a beautiful heart. And other times just a messenger from the beyond.


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