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Description of the Book :


Written at a confusing, emotional and transitional point of their life, this collection of poems delves into the inner thoughts of Isherwood's mind. They discuss relationships, places, jobs and heartbreak, all words from the muddle that is their mind.

1am Wonderings

SKU: 9781005297831
  • Author Name : M. Isherwood
    About the Author : M. Isherwood is a recent creative arts graduate, shopaholic and avid overthinker. Currently working at the beloved coffee shop they have been in since age 17, they also represent their university as an official ambassador. They are obsessed with their 3 dogs, Tobie, Tia and Baxter and enjoys creating and capturing every moment with those they love. Isherwood also has an addiction to crystals and can be found gaming or reading in their spare time.
    Book ISBN : 9781005297831


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