Description of the Book:
19 Soft Compulsions contains poetry aimed to expose hypocrisy in wrong doings, criticise those who do wrong doings, express the importance in feeling, mental health and deliver passive aggressive messages to those who deserve to hear them. The most creative and effective way to ridicule the horrendous parts of life, or to reassure the victims of those horrendous things that life will support them and help them heal in many ways is through performance, song and poetry. Some of the poems are tragic, some have resolutions, all have the same umbrella message of 'look after each other in all fields of life'. The only mild exception being 'Prancer The Reindeer', a short horror poem partially written for the sake of horror.
19 Soft Compulsions
Author's Name: Romeo Albert
About the Author: Romeo Albert (also known as Roméo Zacharias) is a creative theatre maker who spent three years studying Theatre at The BRIT School of Performing Arts and Technology, with two of those years also being used to complete an English Literature A Level. Working at places like Thorpe Park’s Fright Night mazes, Roméo spends a lot of time embracing what he calls ‘the quirky, queer and weird side to acting’ and horror acting is one of his favourite ways to do that. Roméo was raised a Christian, but as he got older found hypocrisy within the Bible, and soon realised that what is taught in the Christianity nowadays can be easily debunked by simply quoting a different section of the Bible. Roméo is a proud feminist, member of the LGBTQ community and a person who is open to talk about the importance of mental health through his experience with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. When not being a wacky, strange actor, Roméo has random rushes of emotion about a topic he is passionate about, which he instinctively turns into the poetry you will see here in 19 Short Compulsions! Book ISBN: 9789358314823