Description of the Book:
मधुरा बाणे द्वारा लिखित 'सूरजमुखी' एक मनोहर कविताओं का संग्रह है। जरा गौर से देखें तो समझ आता है कि हर एक छोटी-सी चीज़ भी हमसे कुछ कहना चाहती है। इस किताब में शामिल सभी कविताएँ हमारे जीवन से जुड़े किस्से और कहानियों की झलक देती हैं। साहित्य की अनमोल धारा को प्रेरित करती हैं। यह अनुभव एक उदाहरण है कि भावनाओं को शब्दों में पिरोया जा सकता है। 'सूरजमुखी', जो सदाबहार आनंद और सच का प्रतीक माना जाता है, उम्मीद है कि उसी तरह ये कविताएँ आपको खुशियाँ और आशा की सुनहेरी किरन का अनुभव देंगी।
SKU: 9789360949433
Author's Name: Madhura Bane
About the Author: Many moons ago, on a lazy summer vacation, li'l Madhura picked up a copy of 'Champak', and then there was no turning back. New Narnia unlocked every time I opened books. It was something I have cherished even more. Designer by profession and a soulrocker by nature. I was born and brought up in the mesmerizing lanes of Mumbai. The vividness of Mumbai and the serenity of its ocean are reflected in my writings as well. I believe that every little thing has something to say. Carrying a book in one hand and imagination in another, I am on a joyride to turn them into magical tales. Fun fact - I always retain a dried flower in every book of mine, so that the stories and nature can mingle together. Most of my personality is derived from the characters I've become friends with, the music I hold dear, and the world I explored by gliding on the magical carpet of books. Today, I am celebrating the essence of my reading journey with you. This collection has my impressions about the beautiful things whispered to me. So dim those lights, play some lo-fi, and let's have a wonderful time! Here's the little sunflower edition of me, whistled with love and imperfections! Hakuna Matata! Book ISBN: 9789360949433